Today’s post, we will showcase the best 10 online payment gateways in Nigeria. Note that these payment gateways allows you to receive and send money from one person to another electronically.
Below Are The Best 10 Online Payment Gateways In Nigeria
- Vogue Pay
Vogue pay is a leading payment in Nigeria that enables you to make and receive your payments online for visa card and entrazact holders or vogue pay. All MasterCard users will need to sign up when they want to make their payments.
Note that Vogue pay can be used to make local and international payments. Also, whether you have a website or not you can initiate payments and have them received through and email.
- Paystack
This Paystack Company is one of the most popular payment gateways at the moment. They allow merchants to accept debit and credit card payments online from their customers. Note that Paystack is an easy and reliable way to accept payments across multiple channels, use payment pages to run online campaigns for your products and services without writing code, and also they have the option to run your subscription business with ease.
Note that as a Paystack merchant, you can payout money directly from your Paystack dashboard to any bank account in the country.
- The Flutterwave
Here is another one, with flutterwave, you can accept Debit/Credit payments from customers in 154+ countries. Some cards like Visa, MasterCard, Verve, are all supported. All your customers in the United States of America, South Africa and Nigeria can pay you directly from their bank accounts and your customers in Nigeria (M-Cash), Kenya (M-Pesa) and also Ghana (soon), can pay you directly from their mobile wallets.
- The Zenith Bank GlobalPay
This Zenith Bank Global Pay is an internet-based payment system that allow you to accept the payments from customers across the globe.
This payment gateway comes with a onetime integration of which you can receive payments from different international and local debit and credit cards.
The Zenith Bank Global Pay gives your website a global experience and brings about the expansion of your customers. In case you do commercial activities on the internet, you have customers from across the globe and Global Pay is suitable for you. The Global Pay accepts international and local Inter switch, eTranzact, MasterCard and Visa. You can view transactions as they take place.
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- The Cash Envoy
This platform is an electronic commerce system that allows you to make payments and transfer money made through the Internet. You can do funding of cash envoy account with the Nigerian debit card which can also be done by making online bank transfer.
Cash envoy offer payment processing that is made for online vendors and sites. This Cash envoy demands a transaction fee of a percentage of money sent including an additional fixed amount. This platform is an independent private sector, limited liability Company in Lagos.
- The SimplePay
Here is a payment gateway that allow users make their free payment with web enabled devices and PCs. They allow any consumer that has an email to adequately, securely and cost effectively receive and make online payments.
The simplepay services are offered to online merchants, small enterprises and the network is formed on the infrastructure of credit cards and bank accounts.
- The Entranzact
Etranzact is a multi-channel, multi-application and multi branched payment platform that is valid for all networks including Visa, Amex and MasterCard. This gateway is formed as a credible alternative to all transactions that are cash or check based.
They demands for multiple channels that are automatic with automated procedures. This gateway uses valid transaction requests after it runs security checks on the payment cards.
They also have protection for the card information and it reduces the administrative overhead of cheque printing and cheques returned.
- The Interswitch Internet Pay
Here is another reliable, scalable and secure system for performing electronic transactions in a diverse institutional, functional, online/offline environment.
Interswitch accept transactions from a diverse range of payment channels pushing them to external networks. Their support is available for major networks and this include MasterCard, Verve and China Union Pay apart from other proprietary networks.
- The GT Bank Bank GT Pay
This is accepted internationally with visa and MasterCard. They allow users to receive payments from both international and local payment cards. It gives you timely transaction.
They also offers GT monitoring log that enable merchants to view transactions. They give you a convenient means of payment and promotes cashless transactions.
- The Fastecash VTN And Softpurse
This payment gateway helps you to receive payments from members with accounts that has processor at the same time.
This platform holds your electronic money in naira and you can make withdrawals and make payments using your bank account.
Anyone can use VTN to send and receive naira online and this enables you to find your account which you can use for many purposes.