In case you are among those who don’t know what malaria is, malaria is a life-threatening disease. Malaria typically transmitted via the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. The infected mosquitoes is what carry the Plasmodium parasite. Whenever this mosquito bites you, the parasite is released into your bloodstream.
However, once this parasites are inside your body, they travel to the liver, where they mature and after several days, they will begin to infect red blood cells.

According to doctors, malaria symptoms into are in two categories: the uncomplicated and severe malaria.
The Uncomplicated Malaria
Your doctor will diagnose you when symptoms are present, but no symptoms occur that suggest severe infection or any dysfunction of the vital organs.
Note that this form can become severe malaria without treatment, or if the person has poor or no immunity.
Most symptoms of uncomplicated malaria typically last between 6 to 10 hours and recur every second day.
The uncomplicated malaria symptoms are:
- Having a sensation of cold with shivering
- Having fever, headaches, and vomiting
- Having sweats, followed by a return to normal temperature and tiredness.
The Severe Malaria
For the severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction.
The symptoms of severe malaria include:
- An impaired consciousness
- A fever and chills
- Having prostration, or adopting a prone position
- Having multiple convulsions
- Having deep breathing and respiratory distress
- Having abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia
- Having clinical jaundice and evidence of vital organ dysfunction
The severe malaria can be very fatal without treatment.
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The Treatment
The treatment aims to eliminate the Plasmodium parasite from the bloodstream.
For people without symptoms may be treated for infection to reduce the risk of the disease transmission in the surrounding population.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) who recommends artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) to treat the uncomplicated malaria.
What you should know is that this artemisinin is derived from the plant artemisia annua, which is better known as sweet wormwood, which helps in reducing the concentration of plasmodium parasites in the bloodstream.
The Preventive Measure
We have several ways to prevent malaria.
Via vaccination
Currently, the research to develop safe and effective global vaccines for malaria is ongoing, though there is one licensing of vaccine already in Europe.
Please ensure you seek medical attention for suspected symptoms of malaria as early as possible.
An Advice For Travelers
The traveling to many countries around the world entails a risk.
However, the Centers for Disease Control advise travelers to take the following preventive measures:
- travelers should find out what the risk of malaria is in the country and city or region they are visiting
- travelers should ask their doctor what medications they should use to prevent infection in that region
- You should also consider the risk of individual travelers which includes children, women with pregnancy, older people and the existing medical conditions of the traveler.