Most people don’t know about these diseases, coronaviruses are types of viruses which typically affect the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals, which includes humans. Many doctors associate them with the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and severe acute respiratory syndrome known as SARS, and they can also affect the gut.
Please note that these viruses are typically responsible for common colds, and are more than serious diseases. Nevertheless, coronaviruses are also behind some more severe outbreaks today.
For over 70 years of research, scientists have found that coronaviruses can infect mice, dogs, rats, cats, horses, pigs, turkeys and cattle. However, there are possibility for these animals to transmit coronaviruses to humans

Sometimes a cold or flu-like symptoms usually occur from 2 to 4 days after a coronavirus infection and are typically mild. But the symptoms can vary from person-to-person, and some forms of the virus can be fatal.
The symptoms include:
- By sneezing
- A runny nose
- Fatigue
- Cough
- Fever, in some cases
- Sore throat
- Exacerbated asthma
No scientist has ever cultivated human coronaviruses in the laboratory unlike the rhinovirus, which is another causes of the common cold. However, this is what makes it difficult to gauge the impact of the coronavirus on national economies and public health.
For now, there is no known cure, so treatments include self-care and over-the-counter (OTC) medication. Though people can take several steps, including:
- Resting and avoiding overexertion
- Drinking enough water
- Avoid smoking and smoky areas
- Taking acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen for pain and fever
- Using a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer
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One of the best way to prevent the spread of this virus is to avoid or limit any contact with people who are showing symptoms of the virus and have traveled to China in the past 14 days.
Another thing you can do is practice a good hygiene to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading.
- You need to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds at a time with warm water and soap.
- You shouldn’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth when your hands are dirty.
- You shouldn’t go out if you’re feeling sick or have any cold or flu symptoms.
- You should cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow whenever you sneeze or cough. And after that, throw away the tissues you used to blow your nose or sneeze right away.
- Ensure you keep any objects you touch very clean. Also, ensure you use disinfectants on objects like phones, computers, utensils, dishware, and door handles.
The first thing to note is that you shouldn’t panic. And also, you don’t need to wear a mask or be quarantined unless you’ve been diagnosed with this coronavirus.
By just following simple hygiene guidelines, you may help prevent yourself from developing this and other viruses.
Last year 2019, the coronavirus probably seems scary when you read the news about new deaths, quarantines, and the travel bans to and from China.
What you need to do is to stay calm and follow your doctor’s instructions if you’re diagnosed with a coronavirus infection so that you can recover from it and help prevent it from spreading.